Helping you take control of your finances.


We are independent financial advisors based in central Cardiff but offering advice to clients throughout the UK.

We offer our clients tailored solutions with the aim of empowering them to make informed financial decisions, achieve their financial goals, and navigate the complexities of the financial world. We understand that every client has different aspirations, life goals and circumstances, which is why we offer personalised advice tailored to your goals and needs both now and throughout your life.

Whether you require advice on your current financial situation, have an upcoming change to your circumstances or are not sure where to start, get in touch with us today for an initial discussion in order to kickstart your journey to taking control of your finances.


  • Investments

    Investments can be an excellent way to grow your wealth, allowing you to save for the future and protect against inflation. We have access to a wide range of funds and can provide you with expert advice to enable you to build an investment portfolio you are happy with.

  • Retirement Planning

    Retirement may seem a long way off, but it’s never too soon to begin saving. We can assist you by advising on your specific pension requirements and help you make the most of the retirement opportunities available to you.

  • Tax Planning

    Minimize your tax bill with some smart planning that will leave more money in your pocket come April 15.

  • Protection

    We have expertise in advising and assisting on the arrangement of insurance in order to ensure your needs are met. Reach out below for further information relating to life cover, critical illness, mortgage protection and/or income protection.

  • Mortgages

    Whether you’re a first time buyer, looking to remortgage an existing property or are investing in a buy-to-let, we can assist you in advising on and arranging your mortgage. Get in touch today for further information.

  • Inheritance

    Get in touch today for advice so that we can provide you with expertise in relation to planning your inheritance in a way that is tax efficient.




telephone: 07951 625996 (katie) 07970384125 (tony)

Shanahan’s Solicitors 25 Park Place Cardiff CF10 3BA

A.C.T. Financial Services Ltd is a limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 04664780 and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under FCA number 706413.